En búsqueda de acuerdos sobre los fines pedagógicos que han de regir en la Educación Física

  1. Hortigüela-Alcalá, David 1
  2. Pérez-Pueyo, Ángel 2
  3. Hernando-Garijo, Alejandra 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Burgos

    Universidad de Burgos

    Burgos, España

    ROR https://ror.org/049da5t36

  2. 2 Universidad de León

    Universidad de León

    León, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02tzt0b78

Sportis: Revista Técnico-Científica del Deporte Escolar, Educación Física y Psicomotricidad

ISSN: 2386-8333

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 8

Issue: 2

Pages: 255-282

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17979/SPORTIS.2022.8.2.8874 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Sportis: Revista Técnico-Científica del Deporte Escolar, Educación Física y Psicomotricidad

Sustainable development goals


There are currently numerous disagreements about the teaching of Physical Education (PE), including its intentions, aims and functions. This variety of approaches, in many cases opposed to each other, is made more acute by the influence of social networks. The search for "likes" and immediate praise leads to a reductionism of the subject, more influenced by the occurrence of the specific activity than by scientific evidence. This, together with other factors, limits the subject from enjoying the social and curricular prestige it deserves. The aim of this article is to try to shed light on the fundamental principles that should structure the teaching of PE. Through a review of the literature, ten key elements are presented: 1.- Proposing proposals with pedagogical coherence; 2. - Creating a corporal identity within the culture of physical activity and sport; 3.- Generating a positive social climate in the classroom; 4.- Working on inclusion and breaking stereotypes; 5. - To use pedagogical models; 6.- To apply formative and shared evaluation; 7.- To demonstrate the learning generated; 8.- To encourage self-regulation; 9.- To promote the transferability of learning; 10.- The text, without any pretensions of setting up a chair, seeks the slow and deep reflection of PE teachers, a highly dynamic and powerful group with infinite possibilities to ensure that the subject continues to grow and evolve.

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