Utilización de grabaciones de sesiones docentes para el apoyo en el repaso de conceptos previos
Universidad de León
- José Carlos Barbosa (coord.)
- António Castro Ribeiro (coord.)
Publisher: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
ISBN: 978-972-745-247-7
Year of publication: 2018
Pages: 291-299
Congress: Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería y Ciencias Hortícolas (9. 2017. Braganza)
Type: Conference paper
In this project we try to help our students in the beginning of our subject, with the revision of previousconcepts that they have to dominate. We have used different formulae throughout different years and it has worked of unequal forms to achieve this objective. In the last two academic courses (2015/16 and 2016/17) we have carried out a series of experiences; it has been used as the principal tool Audio Visual on IP technology (AVIP), developed by the Nationaluniversity of distance Education (UNED) and integrated as a module of Moodle's activity, platform used as aVirtual Classroom in León's University (ULE).It was designed in Moodle:− Session recorded with AVIP: presentation and conventional class.− Questionnaire of evaluation of the explained concept.− Survey of satisfaction of the experience.It was realized in two different subjects of the Master in Agronomic Engineering, with two punctual concepts, and in a subject of the Degree in Agrarian Engineering to verify if the maturity of the student influences in the success of the experience.The experience has turned out to be much more satisfactory than other formulae used previously. There have not been technical problems, the visualization of the video has been comfortable and its utilization has been intuitive.The students have improved their partial results and the experience has been very effective for their motivation and their autonomous learning.