Prácticas artísticas colaborativas como propuesta metodológica para la educación artística. Estudio de caso del proyecto Libertad
ISSN: 1695-8403, 2254-7592
Year of publication: 2021
Issue: 12
Pages: 126-138
Type: Article
More publications in: Educación artística: revista de investigación (EARI)
This paper shows the educational and artistic experience which was developed in an collaborative audiovisual project: Libertad, by a learning community compound of teachers, students, artists, and educators, that made a film from the live story of Josefa Castro (1920-2015). The project was developed by a museum of contemporary art, MUSAC in León (Spain) through the LAAV_ Experimental Audiovisual Anthropology Laboratory. The paper, through an artographic approach, shows the Libertad project through the data recollection tools used; video, audio, interactive images and documents as principal support of communication and the learning community that become in and for the project. The conclusions pointed out to the necessity of sufficiently document this practices to open source for the purpose of new research and even the replica and replacement of them to other theoretical and practical contexts.
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