Aristocracias, élites, oligarquíasReflexiones sobre la evolución de los grupos dirigentes urbanos en el Noroeste hispano a lo largo de la Edad Media (siglos IX-XV)

  1. Raúl González González
Governar a cidade na Europa medieval
  1. Amélia Aguiar Andrade (coord.)
  2. Gonçalo Melo da Silva (coord.)

Publisher: Instituto de Estudos Medievais. Universidade Nova de Lisboa ; Câmara Municipal de Castelo de Vide

ISBN: 978-989-54529-6-5 978-972-9040-19-1

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 141-160

Type: Book chapter


In recent decades, Iberian scholarship has made enormous strides in the study of the ruling groups of medieval cities. However, it has focused mainly on the late medieval period, especially in the case of the Crown of Castile, where the renewal of studies on elites has been mainly devoted to the second half of the 15th century and the first decades of the 16th century. This paper will offer a broad chronological analysis based on the three episcopal cities of the Asturleonese region: Oviedo, León and Astorga. We will focus firstly on early medieval urban aristocracies, especially well documented in León, then on the new elites of the High Middle Ages and how they were transformed through a process of oligarchic closure leading to a new type of urban ruling group during the Late Middle Ages.