Piezas de plata en el Museo del Palacio Arzobispal de Bogotá

  1. Jesús Paniagua Pérez
El Paraíso de Fura y Tena: estudios sobre la plata en Iberoamérica. De los orígenes al siglo XIX
  1. Jesús Paniagua Pérez (ed. lit.)
  2. Daniele Arciello (ed. lit.)
  3. Nuria Salazar Simarro (ed. lit.)
  4. Marta Fajardo de Rueda (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Instituto de Humanismo y Tradición Clásica ; Universidad de León ; Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

ISBN: 978-84-09-32186-5

Year of publication: 2021

Pages: 431-453

Type: Book chapter


The archdiocese of Bogotá conserves a small treasure of religious pieces in silver, through which we aim to make a contribution to the development of the art of silverworking in New Granada during the colonial period. Almost all of them are altar pieces, and we will study them in some detail. They have various origins within the archdiocese. For this study, we will also use some paintings with reproductions of pieces that will enable us to offer a more complete panorama