Legalidad, transparencia y abusividad: Análisis de la cláusula de intereses variables de un préstamo hipotecario convenido al amparo del RD 801/2005 (Plan Vivienda 2005-2008) en el que se subroga el comprador de la vivienda gravada. Comentario a la STS 585/2020, de 6 de noviembre. (RJ 2020, 38579)

  1. Helena Díez García
Cuadernos Civitas de jurisprudencia civil

ISSN: 0212-6206

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 116

Pages: 179-222

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos Civitas de jurisprudencia civil


Possibility of submitting to a transparency control a variable interest clause of a mortgage loan subject to a public financing regime in which it was added, contrarily to what seemed to result from art. 9.3 RD 801/2005, a spread: Legal infringement or unfair terms? Analysis of the obligations of material transparency in charge of the mortgagee in the subrogation of the home buyer in the developer's loan.