The quality of rest and its relationship with physical activity practice during the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain

  1. Ana María Magaz-González
  2. Cristina Mendaña-Cuervo
  3. César Sahelices-Pinto
  4. Marta García-Tascón
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación

ISSN: 1579-1726 1988-2041

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 44

Pages: 155-166

Type: Article

DOI: 10.47197/RETOS.V44I0.90716 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación

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The Spanish state of alarm, for the COVID-19 outbreak, resulted in mobility restrictions, changes of habits and sleep disorders. We are investigating whether these disorders can be reduced with the practice of physical activity (PA). A questionnaire was administered to 1,046 people (48.57% men and 51.43% women), with an average age of 40 years (SD: ±13.35). A descriptive quantitative methodology based on a non-purposive sample was used and the data were subjected to non-parametric tests. Regarding rest (quantity of hours of sleep) increased in general, going from 7.13 hours to 7.65 (p=.000), whereas sleep quality worsened, the score decreased from 3.67 to 3.24, p=.000. For the age ranges (18 to 24 years, 25 to 64 and 65 or older), there was significant data (quality and quantity) for the first two ranges (p=.000), and none for the third. The relationship between PA practice and hours/quality of sleep, there were no significant correlations in the entire sample (p=.191, p=.113). The main finding was no significant correlation for any age ranges (sleep quantity & sleep quality), except for the group of 18-24 years. This result contradicts the findings of previous studies.

Funding information

Hours of sleep recommended by the NSF (National Sleep Foundation) and supported by the rest of the professional associations (SRS;SES;[OMS,2018])

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