Digital resilienceAproximación a la fortaleza digital en el sector financiero de la Unión Europea: desde NIS hasta DORA

  1. Elena F Pérez Carrillo
Revista de derecho del mercado de valores

ISSN: 1888-4113

Ano de publicación: 2020

Número: 27

Páxinas: 308-350

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de derecho del mercado de valores


Cybersecurity, digital resistance to incidents, errors or even cyberattacks attracted the attention of the European legislator, initially, from a public policy perspective. Later on, the role of digital security within strategies related to the Internal Market will be discussed. Today, it is a central issue in different sectors, and essentially in the financial sector. These pages review the objective and subjective scope of application of the Network and Systems Security Directive, which affects large financial operators; as well as the recent Proposal for a Regulation on Digital Resilience, specifically aimed at the financial sector and whose provisions also apply to third party providers of ICT services outsourced by financial companies. Attention is also drawn to some Reports and Guidelines issued by the European Supervisory Authorities. The obligations of internal management and governance, on the one hand, and of reporting and communication, on the other, which both impose, show that digital strength and cyber security will change the landscape of technological decision-making, relations with third parties and supervision, especially in the financial sector.