Connecting universities and societiesTypes of activities and success factors
- VIEIRA, María-José
- FERREIRA, Camino
- VIDAL, Javier
- María Esperanza Herrera García
- María José Rodríguez Conde
- Susana Olmos Migueláñez
- Fernando Martínez Abad
- Eva María Torrecilla Sánchez
- Juan Pablo Hernández Ramos
- Patricia Torrijos Fincias
- José Carlos Sánchez Prieto
- Adriana Gamazo García
- Francisco José García Peñalvo
- Antonio Miguel Seoane Pardo
- Valentina Zangrando
- Alicia García Holgado
- Felicidad García Sánchez
- Juan Cruz Benito
Publisher: Asociacion Interuniversitaria de Investigacion Pedagógica (AIDIPE)
ISBN: 978-84-697-4106-1
Year of publication: 2017
Pages: 1011-1018
Congress: Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa (AIDIPE) (18. 2017. Salamanca)
Type: Conference paper
The concept of Third Mission (3M) is strongly connected with the interaction and mutual contribution between universities and society at large through different actions. These activities could be classified in relation to research (technology transfer and innovation), to teaching (continuing education), as well as university involvement in communities (social engagement). The main focus of this paper is to analyse: (1) the activities developed by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in relation to research (technology transfer and innovation), to teaching (lifelong learning/continuing education), as well as university involvement in social and cultural life (social engagement) and (2) cases of good practices in 3M activities developed by Latin American and European HEIs in order to provide a framework about the main factors for their success. This paper synthesizes, by means of content analysis, a broad range of reports about activities and good practices on 3M in higher education through European projects of which University of León (Spain) has been partner or coordinator: Tempus Programme, 2012-2014: Developing Third Mission Activities in Albanian Universities; Alfa Programme, 2012-2014: Linking Universities with your Environment for Sustainable Social and Economic Development, LLL Programme 2009-2012: European Indicators and Ranking Methodology for University Third Mission, and LLL Programme 2008-2010: Good Practices in University – Enterprise Partnerships.