Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in general practitioners and nurses in primary care and nursing homes in the Healthcare Area of León and associated factors

  1. V. Martín 1
  2. T. Fernández-Villa 1
  3. M. Lamuedra Gil de Gomez 2
  4. O. Mencía-Ares 3
  5. A. Rivero Rodríguez 4
  6. S. Reguero Celada 5
  7. M. Montoro Gómez 2
  8. M.T. Nuevo Guisado 6
  9. C. Villa Aller 4
  10. C. Díez Flecha 4
  11. A. Carvajal 3
  12. J.P. Fernández Vázquez 4
  1. 1 Instituto de Biomedicina (IBIOMED), Universidad de León, León, Spain.
  2. 2 Centro de salud Condesa, León, Spain
  3. 3 Departamento de Sanidad Animal, Universidad de León, León, Spain
  4. 4 Gerencia de Atención Primaria del Área de Salud de León, Spain
  5. 5 Centro de Salud San Andrés del Rabanedo, Spain
  6. 6 Centro de Salud de San Andrés del Rabanedo, León, Spain
Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia

ISSN: 1138-3593

Année de publication: 2020

Titre de la publication: COVID19 en Atención Primaria

Número: 1

Pages: 42-46

Type: Article


D'autres publications dans: Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia


Objective To evaluate the prevalence of and factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in general practitioners and nurses from primary care centers and nursing homes in the Healthcare Area of León (Spain). Materials and methods Cross-sectional study in a convenience sample of professionals from 30 health centers and 30 nursing homes from the primary care management division of the Healthcare Area of Leon. The work center, type of profession, COVID-19 infection, level of exposure, compliance with preventive measures, isolation (if required) and diagnostic tests carried out were collected. The determination of infection was made by differentiated rapid diagnostic test (dRDT), using a finger-stick whole-blood sample. The association of variables with infection was assessed by multivariable non-conditional logistic regression. The true prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was calculated according to two scenarios for RDT (Sensitivity = 0.6 and Specificity = 0.985; Sensitivity = 0.8 and Specificity = 1). Results The true prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was between 4.9% and 11.0%. The observed prevalence was 5.9% and was higher in nursing homes than in primary care centers (9.5% vs. 5.5%). No statistically significant differences were observed by sex, type of professional, level of exposure or compliance with preventive measures. Conclusions The prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in this group is low. A high number of professionals remain susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection and therefore protective measures should be taken, especially for professionals working in nursing homes.

Information sur le financement

The authors would like to thank all the workers for their participation in this study. And of course, thanks to the Primary Care Management Division of the Healthcare Area of Leon and the University of Leon, because of their collaboration has been crucial in developing this study.


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