Personalidad resistente y niveles de actividad física en escaladores profesionales y amateurs

  1. H. Ramos 1
  2. A. González 1
  3. O. Molinero 1
  4. A. Salguero 1
  1. 1 Universidad de León

    Universidad de León

    León, España


Actividad física y deporte: ciencia y profesión

ISSN: 1578-2484

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Zenbakia: 30

Orrialdeak: 227-229

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Actividad física y deporte: ciencia y profesión


Climbing is a mountain sport that requires a complete physical preparation. Specifically, climbing is characterized as a short-duration and explosive sport. Also requires great strength and strength-endurance. Physical training is important, but we must not forget psychological training. The athlete will face numerous stressful stimuli to which he must face, in the achievement of his objective, due in most part, to the risk that his practice entails. This research analyses the possible influence of the amount of physical activity performed by climbers, as well as the intensity of it, on the levels of resistant personality.