El uso de recursos endógenos en tiempos de crisismemoria de identidad colectiva.

  1. 1 Universidad de León (España)
REA. Revista euroamericana de antropología

ISSN: 2387-1555

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Consumo y Espacio Rural

Issue: 7

Pages: 159-168

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14201/REA20197159168 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: REA. Revista euroamericana de antropología


In many territories, the end of industrial activities due to the conversion, such as mining or heavy industry, left an uncertain panorama that resulted in high rates of unemployment and depopulation. On the other hand, the migration of people from the countryside to the city has meant that many villages have been almost completely deserted or with a very old population, which usually leads to the disappearance of numerous services such as schools, shops or health centers. In this article, we analyze the economic and cultural importance of the endogenous resources, and the value of them, since the resources are also part of the collective identity. The use of endogenous resources has great importance in local economies and in many populations; there has been a return to the exploitation of those resources that in many cases had been abandoned. In addition, this return to the earth's own resources has a determining influence on local development, the so-called green employment and sustainability. In the province of León (Spain) we find several examples such as the exploitation of resin or the collection and cultivation of fungi that have given new expectations to these territories.

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