Riesgos laborales en carretera

  1. Beatriz Agra Viforcos 1
  1. 1 Universidad de León

    Universidad de León

    León, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02tzt0b78

Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social: Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social

ISSN: 2254-3295

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Derecho del trabajo: Prevención y protección de los riesgos profesionales

Issue: 138

Pages: 271-306

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social: Revista del Ministerio de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social


The road accident rate related to work, as well as the possible development of pathologies associated with driving, represent a reality to which the legal system provides attention from different points of view, among others, the prevention of occupational hazards. The aim of this study is to provide a global vision of how the safety and health of workers can be affected by the different dangers associated with road traffic, particularly (but not only) the work-related traffic accident, in any of its variables: that which affects workers who need to travel by road in order to carry out their company’s orders (accident during a work assignment), that which may be suffered by any employee who drives to or from work (commuting accident) or that suffered by those for whom the contractual object is precisely driving (e.g. carrier of persons or goods). Among the risk factors capable of influencing the production of a traffic accident, the human factor stands out above the mechanical and structural factors, whether due to perception or decision errors, the concurrence of circumstances that reduce the capacities, the action of prudence inhibitors or even the intentional search for risk and intense emotions, which are normally expressed through speed. The seriousness of the consequences at the human level, but also at the social and economic levels, calls for public intervention to reduce the volume of incidents, which is carried out for salaried employees within the framework of the duality of rules laid down by road traffic regulations (and transport, where appropriate) and labour legislation. Labour Law has shown interest in the issue on the basis of two concepts from the Social Security System, the aforementioned «commuting» and «during a work assignment» accidents, but currently has a more transversal and integrating approach within the regulations on the prevention of occupational hazards, based on the corporate duty to guarantee the safety and health of its workers in all work-related matters. There is no doubt, therefore, that road safety must be understood as a shared responsibility between the public and private realms, and for this reason it is indispensable to have the collaboration of all the competent authorities and the effective involvement of all the groups that may be affected; especially those companies whose prevention plans must integrate the matter into their management system, considering improvement actions regarding the three variables of work-related traffic accidents mentioned above. This initiative will also contribute to advancing the stated objectives within the framework of sustainable development, with a positive impact on the environment. However, the threats to health and safety arising from driving or from activities connected with the movement of vehicles on the road are very diverse; restricting the analysis to the danger of a traffic accident is therefore an excessive reductionist view and, as a result, unacceptable, since it overlooks a huge range of dangers of the most varied nature, which are essential to take into account, either because they have the potential to trigger serious effects or because they are updated with certain frequency in the development of the work activity. Some of these risk factors can affect any motorist; others, on the other hand, are limited to driving professionals or exclusively to those belonging to certain branches or activity sectors, since, although there are common threats in all of them, there are also particularities (in terms of level of demand, working conditions, functions and tasks performed…) that can make the difference. Therefore, in relation to professional driving, it is also necessary to take into account other potential threats that must be evaluated at the appropriate time in order to plan, based on the results of this analysis, the suitable action strategy to improve the safety and health, both physical and mental, of workers. Thus, first of all, it is necessary to point out the risks linked to ergonomic issues (the most evident consequence of which involves musculoskeletal disorders), that, despite what may appear to be true, derive not only from the physical demands of the job, but also from the working environment, organizational and psychosocial aspects, the individuality of the subject and non-work related determinants. Mechanical aspects other than road traffic accidents must also be considered, but also capable of causing significant damage from a quantitative or qualitative point of view (falls to the same and different levels, cuts, shocks, blows, crushing, accidents, etc.), as well as the possible impact of physical agents (noise, vibrations, lighting, thermal environment, radiation, electricity), chemical agents (especially in the transport of dangerous goods) or biological agents (through contact with fungi, viruses, bacteria, etc., but also with animals, agricultural products or organic matter), the danger of fire or explosion, or the incidence of a severe weather. Finally, we must not forget the psychosocial risks, which include the time factor, the mental workload, precarious working conditions, isolation and violence. To be comprehensive it is necessary to remember, finally, an issue that is usually overlooked, but it must be highlighted: the effects of unhealthy lifestyles, which are very common in the sector and for which it is essential to promote healthy habits and practices, with adequate nutrition (low fat and plenty of fruit and juice); an adequate rest; smoking, alcohol and drugs withdrawal and the development of activities outside the work day to counteract the sedentary nature of driving tasks. In attempting to deal with the assignment in a reliable manner, the necessary multidisciplinary perspective has been adopted, which includes a legal analysis in order to make clear the corporate obligation to protect workers against the risk of road accidents related to work (with certain nuances in the case of commuting accidents) and against other elements that may threaten the safety and health of driving professionals. This legal approach has been supplemented and enhanced by the contributions of the different sciences involved in the prevention of occupational hazards (extended to four main disciplines by the Prevention Services Regulations): Safety at Work, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics and Applied Psycho-sociology and Occupational Health), since it is evident that the different nature of these risks imply that their analysis must be assumed from different areas of knowledge in order to intervene and adopt the pertinent preventive and protective measures.

Funding information

Este artículo ha sido realizado en el marco del Proyecto «Sostenibilidad económica, social y medioambiental e innovación tecnológica: nuevas coordenadas para las políticas públicas en Castilla y León», LE004P17.


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