Evaluareeddesarrollo de una herramienta para la evaluación de la calidad de los recursos educativos electrónicos

  1. María Pinto
  2. Carmen Gómez-Camarero
  3. Andrés Fernández-Ramos
  4. Anne-Vinciane Doucet
Investigación bibliotecológica

ISSN: 2448-8321 0187-358X

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 31

Issue: 72

Pages: 227-248

Type: Article

DOI: 10.22201/IIBI.0187358XP.2017.72.57831 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: Investigación bibliotecológica

Sustainable development goals


Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present the development of the Evaluareed instrument, designed to evaluate electronic educational resources, especially those oriented to higher education. From a review of the relevant scientific literature and using a qualitative-quantitative methodology, a set of criteria and sub-criteria are defined. The quality indicators of the checklist are: 1) quality of content, 2) learning aims and goals, 3) feedback, 4) usability, 5) motivation, 6) accessibility, 7) technical requirements, 8) intellectual property and 9) effectiveness of the resource in terms of learning. The instrument allows the evaluation of resources and generates a quality assessment report, showing data and improvement recommendations. It is available at a web site that also provides a repository of Open Course Ware (OCW) assessed from Spanish universities, a selection of literature and specialized information concerning project design.

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