En tierra de hombres (2005). El acoso psicológico en el trabajo

  1. Carmen María Vizoso Gómez
Revista de medicina y cine

ISSN: 1885-5210

Ano de publicación: 2016

Volume: 12

Número: 3

Páxinas: 163-169

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de medicina y cine


Mobbing is considered a serious problem in the workplace because of the negative effects provoked not only on the working relationships and on workers’ productivity but also on victims’ health and on the wellbeing of their family. The film North Country is inspired by a real case of harassment at work, specifically sexual harassment, suffered by women who worked at the iron mine. This situation derived to the first class action about sexual discrimination. In this article, the scenes, dialogues and character traits are analysed to explain what this type of harassment is. Thus, the working environment in the company, the hostile behaviour of the bullies, the development process of this prob‐ lem until the victim leaves the company, the consequences of harassment for different domains and also a possible way to resolve it are described. Finally, the value of this film as a teaching resource for students and workers train‐ ing and for the prevention of harassment in the workplace are defended.

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