El complicado régimen privilegiado del artículo 30 del Código Penal español en materia de codelincuencia y encubrimiento en los delitos comertidos utilizando medios o soportes de difusión mecánicos

  1. Díaz García Conlledo, Miguel
Revista penal México

ISSN: 2007-4700

Datum der Publikation: 2013

Nummer: 4

Seiten: 21-34

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista penal México


The Spanish Criminal or Penal Code (Código Penal) establishes in its article 30 a privileged system in regard to crime partners and concealment in crimes committed using mechanical broadcasting media (the traditionally so called “crimes of press”), a system without parallel in many counties. This paper makes a revision of some complicated aspects of such a system and considers the convenience of its permanence, coming to the conclusion that its abolition would be preferable and, consequently, its not exportation to other countries or its abolition in those in which something similar exists.