Análisis del fracaso empresarial por sectoresfactores diferenciadores
- Mures Quintana, María Jesús (coord.)
ISSN: 1699-9495
Année de publication: 2012
Titre de la publication: Estadística aplicada a la Investigación Cuantitativa = Applied statistics to Quantitative Research
Número: 1
Pages: 53-83
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Pecunia: revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
This paper focuses on a cross-industry analysis of business failure, in order to identify the explanatory and predictor factors of this event that are different in three of the main industries in every economy: manufacturing, building and service. For each one of these industries, the same procedure is followed. First, a principal components analysis is applied in order to identify the explanatory factors of business failure in the three industries. Next, these factors are considered as independent variables in a discriminant analysis, so as to predict the firms' failure, using not only financial information expressed by ratios, but also other non-financial variables related to the firms, as well as external information that reflects macroeconomic conditions under which they develop their activity
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