Paisajes culturales y proyecto territorialun balance de treinta años de experiencia

  1. Sabaté Bel, Joaquim
  2. Benito del Pozo, Paz
Identidades: territorio, cultura, patrimonio

ISSN: 1886-6840

Argitalpen urtea: 2010

Zenbakia: 2

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Identidades: territorio, cultura, patrimonio


This article evaluates the consideration that have gained the "work landscapes" in Spain during the last thirty years, the context in which they have operated and some major interventions. We want to emphasize how some agents have built a "state of mind," contributing to a growing interest in this heritage. They include professionals, university departments and research centers. The dissemination through publications, conferences and museums is also relevant, and also certain laws have a clear impact on this field. We also verify how in few years we have developed intervention tools to operate over complex and large scale areas. These tools evolve from early inventories, catalogs and documentation works, to single interventions for the recovery and reuse of landmark buildings; to plans and programs that integrate the industrial heritage, and finally to regional projects, where this heritage is the backbone of the intervention which may become a local development engine. We aim that work or industrial heritage, should play in any proposal at urban or territorial scale, the same role that natural heritage has reached, We aim that culture and nature become main axis in our territorial interventions.