Régimen urbanístico de la implantación de grandes establecimientos comerciales en Castilla y León

  1. Quintana López, Tomás
Revista jurídica de Castilla y León

ISSN: 1696-6759

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 24

Pages: 35-61

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista jurídica de Castilla y León


The consequences of the transfer of the services Directive affect the regime for setting up large commercial establishments. In the case of Castile and Leon, starting from the basis of the State laws of transfer for this EU regulation, including the reform of the Retail Business Regulation Law, the autonomic, regional legislator modified substantial aspects of the Law of Commerce of Castile and Leon, also abolishing the territorial instrument that regulated the Community�s commercial services and, finally, approving the so-called �City Planning Technical Regulations on Commercial Services� in order to establish the guidelines to be followed by those responsible for planning with respect to the setting up of large commercial establishments. This paper deals with the study of the latter disposition and, thus, with the legal regime for city planning concerning the setting up of commercial establishments and which, due to the contents, takes the key questions in the evolution of commercial city planning, which were the object of previous studies by the author, as the starting point.

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