Valoración psicométrica del cuestionario de acoso psicológico percibido
- Morán Astorga, Consuelo
- González Ramírez, Mónica Teresa
- Landero Hernández, René
ISSN: 1576-5962
Year of publication: 2009
Volume: 25
Issue: 1
Pages: 7-16
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de psicología del trabajo y de las organizaciones = Journal of work and organizational psychology
The aim of this study was to develop and to examine some psychometric properties of the Perceived Mobbing Questionnaire, a 15-item self-report questionnaire designed to measure the feeling of workplace mobbing. A sample of 390 workers in human services completed the Perceived Mobbing Questionnaire and additional self-report assessments of health and burnout. The data were analysed both by items and by scales, using more appropriate factoring techniques. Results showed a high internal consistency for CAPP reliability (a = .92), as well as a clear one-factor structure of the scale. Lastly, the correlations of mobbing with burnout and health can be seen as evidence of validity.
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