Adaptación española de los cuestionarios de antecedentes, manifestaciones y consecuencias de la ansiedad ante la competición deportivaI. Estructura factorial

  1. Márquez, Sara
Revista de psicología del deporte

ISSN: 1132-239X 1988-5636

Year of publication: 1992

Volume: 1

Issue: 2

Pages: 25-38

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de psicología del deporte


Based on the theorerical model of anxiety of Rost and Schermer, three questionnaries to evaluate sources, manifestations and coping strategies in sport comperirion anxiety have becen recently developped in the Universiry of Leuven. We have performed an Spanish adaptation of the questionnaries, that were administered to 331 athletes of different disciplines (55% males, 45% females). Factor analysis yielded four basic determinants of competition anxiety: cognitive anxiety, lack of control of external dererminants, social anxiety and sensation of inadequacy. Four factors also resulted from the analysis of the anxiety manifestations: physiological manifestations, emotional manifestations, mental distortions/lack of concentration and worry. As to the coping straregy questionnary, factor analysis yielded two strategies: active coping and passive coping. Principal components analysis, performed ro determine second order dimensions, gave four components: sources, manifestarions, active coping and passive coping strategies. Results of the factor analysis confirm the existence of separate and sequential aspects of competition anxiety and constitute an initial step in the establishment of the construct validity of the questionnaries.

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