La introducción del Rococó en el arzobispado de Santiago de Compostela y los retablos del antiguo convento de los Carmelitas de Padrón

  1. Rega Castro, Iván
  2. Beiró Piñeiro, Xosé Carlos

ISSN: 0213-392X

Year of publication: 2007

Issue: 19-20

Pages: 365-394

Type: Article

More publications in: Imafronte


Although it is assumed that the rocaille has had a poor impact on the art of Spain in the 18th century, our research deals with the penetration of the Rococo art into the archbishopric of Santiago de Compostela (after 1759) � in its connections with the Iberian peninsula � and the conquest, use and manner in the work of carvers and sculptors, like José Gambino and Francisco de Lens; on the basis of the altarpieces of the church of San José de Padrón (between 1763 and 1774), in the first foundation of the Discalced Carmelitan Order in the ancient kingdom of Galicia.