Diversidad de odonatos en los humedales rehabilitados del Parque Natural de Salburua (Álava) .

  1. Francisco J. Vega 1
  2. García Criado, Francisco 1
  3. Miguélez, David 1
  4. Valladares Díez, Luis Felipe 1
  1. 1 Universidad de León

    Universidad de León

    León, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02tzt0b78

Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Álava

ISSN: 0214-915X

Year of publication: 2005

Volume: 20

Pages: 107-114

Type: Article

More publications in: Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Álava


Adult Odonata were sampled from muy to september 2003 in Salburua Natural Park (Álava, Basque Country) with the aim of characterising the diversity of this group in the area. The specimens were actively captured from 7 sampling stations using hand nets. Twenty-seven species (16 Zygoptera and 11 Anisoptera) were recorded. One of them, Sympetrum meridionale, is cited for the first time from the province of Álava and its presence in the Basque Country is confirmed. The richness value can be considered high when compared with studies conducted in other areas. This fact, together with the presence of some threatened species, specially Coenagrion mercuriale (National Catalogue of Threatened Species and Annex II of the Habitat Directiva) and Coenagrion scitulum (designad as vulnerable in Europe by some authors), allow os to consider Salburua as an area of special interes for odonat conservation in the Basque Country.