Estudio de la prolificidad en los cruzamientos realizados entre líneas divergentes de selección en el ratón

  1. Bayón González, Yolanda
  2. Fuente Crespo, Luis Fernando de la
  3. San Primitivo Tirados, Fermín
Anales de la Facultad de Veterinaria de León

ISSN: 0373-1170

Year of publication: 1989

Year: 35

Issue: 35

Pages: 15-29

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales de la Facultad de Veterinaria de León


A study of litter size traits in crosses between divergently selected lines of mice was performed. Two lines had been selected for increased (W+) and decreased (W¿) 6-week body weight. Two lines had been selected for large (L+) and small (L¿) size of the first three litters. Direct and maternal genetic effects, as well as heterosis were analyzed for the traits first litter size and size of the first three litters (TN-3). Results indicate that additive and non-additive genetic effects estimated for the trait TN-3 are in agreement with those usually obtained for first litter size.