Mínima intelligibilia traiciola estructura de la distinción y las aporías humeanas sobre la mismidad

  1. Salto Alemany, Francisco

ISSN: 0212-6192

Argitalpen urtea: 1989

Zenbakia: 14

Orrialdeak: 49-68

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Contextos


The aim of this paper is to show how the very concept of variable (or empty "something") is much far from clear than usual philosophy of logic tends to think. The concept of variable represents the most primitive or minimal unit of sense. But given a skeptical argument (such as Hume's) against the identity of individual continuants, it is argued that it is not coherent to defend simultaneously the unfictitius identity of any of its "parts", limits or moments. Hence the alleged unity of a variable must also be "fictitious" in Hume's sense: his distinction between the category of unity and the concept of individual identity cannot be tenable. After all, do we really know what we mean with an individual number being a value of a real variable?