Herramientas multimedia aplicadas a la docencia en el grado de información y documentación de la Universidad de León

  1. Josefa Gallego Lorenzo
  2. Mª Luisa Alvite Diez
  3. Mª Antonia Morán Suárez
  4. Blanca Rodríguez Bravo
  5. Mª del Carmen Rodríguez López
  6. Lourdes Santos de Paz
A Ciência Aberta o contributo da Ciência da Informação: atas do VIII Encontro Ibérico EDICIC
  1. Maria Manuel Borges (coord.)
  2. Elias Sanz Casado (coord.)

Publisher: Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX ; Universidade de Coimbra

ISBN: 978-972-8627-76-8

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 665-674

Congress: Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC (8. 2017. Coimbra)

Type: Conference paper


New technologies have been fully introduced in university education and have facilitated the teaching-learning process through the use of interactive programs from the Internet. The main objective of this communication is to know and to study what kind of multimedia tools lecturers at the Information and Documentation Degree at the University of León (ULe) use in the teaching-learning process and in virtual teaching; and on the other hand, to observe the student-lecturer and student-student interaction to help foster participatory communication and learning through chat, forum, email, hangout, Skype, videoconferences, etc. In order to carry out this study, two types of surveys will be implemented, one addressed to lecturers and another one to the students through which we will be able to know the degree of satisfaction shown by students and lecturers.