1, 2, 3Evolución del término «Gravetiense»

  1. Bernaldo de Quirós Guidotti, Federico
  2. Neira Campos, Ana
Pensando el Gravetiense: nuevos datos para la región cantábrica en su contexto peninsular y pirenaico
  1. Heras Martín, Carmen de las (ed. lit.)
  2. Lasheras Corruchaga, José Antonio (ed. lit.)
  3. Arrizabalaga Valbuena, Álvaro (ed. lit.)
  4. Rasilla Vives, Marco de la (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 24-32

Type: Book chapter


The gravettian industries receive long its history various proposals in their terminology as we propose in the main title who began with the unilineal proposal of H. Breuil to the D. Peyrony double phylum finishing with the D. Garrod vision. Also we present some of the characteristics used in the definition of the gravettian industries and those used by different authors about its spatial and chronological distribution.