Contribución del modelo de gestión de calidad en educación parvularia a la mejora de la gestión educativa de la Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles

Supervised by:
  1. Mario Martín Bris Director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 19 September 2017

  1. Isabel Cantón Mayo Chair
  2. Mirian Checa Romero Secretary
  3. Ángela Patricia Tamayo Pastén Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 529979 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


The present study was carried out in JUNJI Children's Gardens of the Metropolitan Region, investigating about the Quality Management Model in Parvular Education, in order to re-signify their contribution to the educational improvement of the National Board of Kindergartens, based on innovation and Change of key process factors. The information was collected through conceptual theoretical research in themes such as the context of parvularia education in Chile, quality management model of early childhood education, quality early childhood education, innovation, change, improvement of the educational process and With instruments applied to members of quality committees (questionnaires) and experts in the subject (in-depth interview) and analyzed using relationaland comparative criteria (data triangulation). The findings, not intended to generalize, reveal the importance of reframing the MGCEP from a socio-communitarian approach, which guarantees not only a better distribution of responsibilities and a more democratic decision-making process, but also the construction of a concept Of a more dynamic and contextual quality, also justify initiating a process of innovation and changes, considering its relevance in the promotion of institutional educational improvement.