Estudio de los perfiles antropométrico y nutricional en deportistas de elite

Supervised by:
  1. Mikel Zabala Díaz Director
  2. Karen Williams Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 04 December 2015

  1. Eduardo Guerra Hernández Chair
  2. Raquel Escobar Molina Secretary
  3. Jaime Fernández Fernández Committee member
  4. Alberto Méndez Villanueva Committee member
  5. Ana Belén Peinado Lozano Committee member

Type: Thesis

Sustainable development goals


Sport talent identification process and its development play a key role in the seek of sport performance excellence. Athletes are characterized by a combination of anthropometrical characteristics, body composition and somatotype, that are believed to affect success probability in specific sports. Because of the importance of these body variables together with nutrition to get the best development of performance and health status in an specific sport, it is necessary to determine the anthropometrical and nutritional profiles in elite athletes with the aim of knowing and establishing a reference framework that could help the coaches in the talent identification process, as well as to improve athletes¿ performance and also to maintain their health status. In this context, the general aim of this PhD dissertation was to determine the anthropometrical characteristics, body composition and somatotype of elite athletes in some sport specialties, as well as to establish relations with certain nutritional aspects related to sport performance. The main findings and conclusions were: a) a variety of anthropometrical techniques have been used for talent identification in different sports; b) The anthropometric characteristics, body composition and somatotype of elite junior tennis players are presented; c) no significant differences were observed in any measured item for the males between the first and the lower ranked elite male junior tennis players, although his was not the case of the female in which significant differences were observed; d) Anthropometric profile charts for elite junior tennis players are established; e) The anthropometric profiles of male Olympic cross country mountain bikers at different competitive levels are presented; f) physical differences in Olympic cross country mountain bikers have been observed according to their competitive levels; g) Feeding habits of the cadet/junior cyclists of Spanish national mountain bike team are considered inadequate. It is recommended specific work on nutritional formation, control and orientation, especially with the youngest; h) The nutritional intake, body composition, and biochemical profile of the professional cyclists in a four-stage race are presented; i) Intake of all micronutrients, except for folate and potassium, exceeded the recommended dietary allowances; j) variations in body composition and biochemical parameters were observed in a four stage professional cycling tour.