Discapacidad y Universidad españolaprotección del estudiante universitario en situación de discapacidad

  1. Álvarez Robles, Tamara
Revista Derecho del Estado

ISSN: 0122-9893 2346-2051

Année de publication: 2016

Número: 36

Pages: 3-39

Type: Article

DOI: 10.18601/01229893.N36.01 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

D'autres publications dans: Revista Derecho del Estado


Right to education is a fundamental right, internationally recognized. However, this assumption is conditioned by personal circumstances, details, of the holder. In any case, we should emphasize the double dimension of this, firstly the right to receive education/teaching, secondly its consideration as a channel of integration and social participation. It is due to this situation, the involvement of the public powers, in order to implement and develop of this right, must be promoted.  The application of the right to education to people that suffer disabilities has got a great degree of importance under The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, held in New York in December 2006. At that time the international community implications were really consolidated. This situation has changed dramatically with the economic crisis that we are suffering in recent times. This is the main reason for the present study, an appeal to implement and apply regulation about disabilities at University studies trough the reform of their statutes and by the increase of the level of the information and training of their workers, especially professors.The universalization of rights, such as education, faces difficulties in achieving its fullness as all holders differ with respect to other recipients of this right. The challenge of this work is to visualize the situation in a very specific environment, university education, and in a very precise context thatis the Kingdom of Spain. However, globalization should assume ownership the main problems and challenges identified in this work. It will be checked in the prolix character of legislation that rules theright af everyone, although you were different to be the holder of the right to education. The existence of a huge number of authorities who supports an inclusive model collides with exogenous difficulties, especially the lack of means, but also endogenous, as the lack of involvement of any of the actors involved. From these lines need to be more rigorous in implementing objectives is facing, that since the letter of the law are attractive and praiseworthy.

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  • Refundido de la Ley General de derechos de las personas con discapacidad y de su inclusión social.
  • Real Decreto 412/2014, de 6 de junio, por el que se establece la normativa básica de los procedimientos de admisión a las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales de Grado.
  • Real Decreto 592/2014, de 11 de julio, por el que se regulan las prácticas académicas externas de los estudiantes universitarios.
  • Internacional
  • Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos (DUDH).
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  • Discapacidad y universidad española 39