Polen aerovagante y alérgenos mayoritarios de olivo y gramíneas en la atmósfera de Córdoba

  1. Plaza García, María del Pilar
Supervised by:
  1. Carmen Galán Director
  2. Purificacion Alcázar Teno Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Córdoba (ESP)

Fecha de defensa: 12 May 2017

  1. Eugenio Domínguez Vilches Chair
  2. María Delia Fernández González Secretary
  3. Paolo Mandrioli Committee member

Type: Thesis

Sustainable development goals


Olive and grass-induced pollinosis is the most common pollen allergy in the Mediterranean region. Grass pollen is the main cause of pollinosis all over Europe and its major allergen Phl p 5 has the highest rates of sensitization (>50%) in patients with grass pollen-induced allergy. Olive pollen is the second-largest cause of pollinosis in southern Iberian Peninsula and from all the allergens described in olive, Ole e 1 is the most frequent as sensitizing agent (> 75%). Airborne pollen monitoring networks, thus far, have provided essential information on pollen dynamics over a given study area. Nevertheless, recent research has revealed that airborne pollen levels alone do not always provide a clear evidence of actual exposure to aeroallergens. The main objective of this study is to evaluate correlations between airborne concentrations of two of the most allergic pollen grains, olive and grass, and their major allergens levels, Ole e 1 and Phl p 5 respectively, in order to determine whether atmospheric pollen concentrations alone are sufficient to chart changes in allergenic symptoms. The meteorological parameters were also studied to find out their influence in these atmospheric records. Moreover, two allergens samplers have been compared each other and with airborne pollen monitored using a Hirst-type volumetric spore trap to examine their efficiency.