Effect of age of regrowth, chemical composition and secondary metabolites on the digestibility of Leucaena leucocephala in the Cauto Valley, Cuba
- Verdecia, D.M.
- Herrera, R.S.
- Ramírez, J.L.
- Leonard, I.
- Bodas, R.
- Andrés, S.
- Giráldez, F.J.
- Valdés, C.
- Arceo, Y.
- Paumier, M.
- Santana, A.
- Álvarez, Y.
- Mendez, Y.
- López, S.
ISSN: 1572-9680, 0167-4366
Argitalpen urtea: 2020
Alea: 94
Zenbakia: 4
Orrialdeak: 1247-1253
Mota: Artikulua