¿Ha mejorado la productividad docente e investigadora de las universidades públicas españolas desde la aprobación de la LOU?Evidencia a partir del bootstrap

  1. Fernández Santos, Yolanda
  2. Martínez Campillo, Almudena
Revista de educación

ISSN: 0034-8082

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 367

Pages: 91-116

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de educación


In the framework of theEuropean Higher Education Area, the UniversityOrganic Law 6/2001 (LOU) establishes a model of management based on the needof Spanish universities to be more efficient and productive in their differentactivities. However, there are no previous studies which have analyzed if suchobjectives have been accomplished in the Spanish Public University System. Forthat reason, the present study tries to measure the variation of productivity rate inthe Spanish Public Universities after this university reform, both at global level andwith reference to teaching and research activities, and also to find out the causesof those changes. For that purpose, we use a sample of 39 Spanish PublicUniversities between 2002-03 and 2008-09 in order to apply both the MalmquistProductivity Index, to measure the productivity change among two periods of timeand to know its causes, and the bootstrap technique, to determine if the observedproductive changes are statistically significant. Our findings reveal an improvementof 13,4% in the global productivity rate after the introduction of the LOUwith asignificance level of 5%, although the increase of the research productivity (48,5%)has been higher than the teaching productivity (4%). In addition, they also showthe importance of the technological progress in the observed productive growth.Therefore, the results achieved provide useful information for the political andacademic governments in order to know the steps that our universities havefollowed and to determinate the future decisions to improve teaching and researchproductivity.

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