Estudio comparativo de diferentes métodos de determinación de la edad en el lobo ibérico, Canis Lupus Signatustécnicas imaginológicas, histológicas, biométricas y de apreciación visual

  1. Romairone Duarte, Adrián Gustavo
Dirigida per:
  1. José Manuel Gonzalo Orden Director
  2. José Manuel Gonzalo Cordero Director/a
  3. Alicia E. Serantes Gómez Directora

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de León

Fecha de defensa: 05 de de febrer de 2016

  1. Isabel Rey Fraile President/a
  2. Lorena Millán Varela Secretari/ària
  3. María de los Ángeles González Machado Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


The aim of this study is to compare three methods with the porpouse of estimating the Iberian wolf age (Canis lupus signatus) with the use of a fourth method, considered as standard or reference (to count the amount of cement rings within histological section of a tooth), even more the evaluation of several measures taken on different teeth (dental biometrics), pulp cavity radiological study and the direct visual assessment of the teeth. The study was carry out with a sample size: (40) histological sections of teeth, (39) individuals used for dental biometrics measures, (33) individuals were used in order to determine the values of the pulp cavity (radiological study) and (42) skulls in order to estimate the age by visual appreciation . The results showed that, of the four aging methods analyzed, just the counting of cement rings in a histological section applies itself to determine the age in the Iberian wolf (C. lupus signatus) with a high degree of accuracy and reliability, although it is expensive and invasive and requires specific training and patterns based on histological sections from animals known to be considered the method of choice age. The measurements obtained by calliper (dental biometrics) have shown discriminatory value to distinguish males from females, but not to establish absolute age of individuals. They also demonstrated the usefulness in linear regression formulas which must be properly validated to constitute a simple and reliable method of aging individuals coming from the wild. Regarding the radiological study of the pulp cavity, minimally invasive and inexpensive, it was not effective discriminating individuals for absolute ages, but only by age groups. Finally, the ideal aging method for Iberian wolf is one that arises from the integration of the data obtained by visual appreciation of the teeth, biometrics and radiological assessment of the pulp cavity, compared with a table validated by the counting of cement rings in histological sections.