Marco de referencia para la implementación de tecnología de redes inteligentes y mapa de inversiónCaso práctico: Empresa de Alumbrado de Ceuta

  1. Palacio Rodríguez, Carlos de
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Colmenar Santos Director

Defence university: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Fecha de defensa: 10 December 2015

  1. José Luis Falagán Cavero Chair
  2. Clara Pérez Molina Secretary
  3. María Carmen Palomino Monzón Committee member

Type: Thesis


The evolution of electrical systems towards intelligent networks, called Smart Grids, is currently occurring gradually. This process is expected to be of continuous improvement in the future, through the progressive incorporation of information and communication technologies, combined with electro-technical technologies. The development of Smart Grids is required to meet environmental goals, on energy efficiency, renewable energy and electrification of transport, and social objectives, such as greater access to electricity or the democratization of power generation, among others. Besides, the development also represents an opportunity from an economic point of view and for the business actors involved in the electrical system. These companies can improve their service and benefits by using the most appropriate Smart Grid technologies. The need to develop Smart Grids and the opportunity to provide benefits requires significant investments and presents difficulties for implementation. These investments are hampered by uncertainty, complexity, multiplicity of technologies, applications and because they affect many actors. The motivation of this thesis is to extend the Smart Grid technology state of the art in the field of implementation decisions. The objective of the research is to facilitate the selection of technologies and applications. A new methodology and a reference framework as a tool for decision making in the environment of Smart Grids is proposed. The work done as part of the thesis consisted in the research of previous costbenefit analysis and maturity models, resulting in the development of a new methodology.The main result is the proposed framework for the implementation of smart grid technology and investment map. This tool has been validated through its application in a case study for the Electric Lighting Company of Ceuta SA and it has proven useful and presented in the proceedings of an international congress. As part of the framework, two novel methodologies, one for interurban electrical mobility implementation and another for microgrid assessment were developed and the results published in peer-to-peer reviewed journals.