La complementación del adjetivo en inglés antiguo

  1. Alcaraz Sintes, Alejandro
Dirigée par:
  1. Salvador Valera Hernández Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 03 septembre 2003

  1. Fernando Serrano Valverde President
  2. Alfonso Jesús Rizo Rodríguez Secrétaire
  3. Trinidad Guzmán González Rapporteur
  4. Santiago González Fernández-Corugedo Rapporteur
  5. Joaquín Comesaña Rincón Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 99732 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


This thesis is a study of adjectival complementation in Old English. Chapter 1 presents our objectives and the methodology employed, and offers an overall theoretical summary of what is understood by complementation. Chapter 2 is a critical descriptive summary of specialized literature on the subject of adjectival complemention. It deals with copulas, adjectival participles, complementation by means of an inflected noun (in the genitive or the dative, a clause (finite or non-finite), a prepositional phrase, and lexical complementation (compounds). We also analyze so-called impersonal constructions in Old English, given their close syntactic and semantic relation to complementation. Chapter 3 is our contribution to the subject of study. We explain the treatment given to the computerized data of the 716 adjectives studied; we offer a quantitative and comparative description of the different types of complementing structures; we propose a model for a dictionary of adjectival syntactic and semantic complementation in Old English; and we present our findings about the correlation between the fifteen semantics classes in which our adjectives have been grouped and the different complementing structures studied. The final part of this chapter presents the partial and general conclusions reached, a general summary of the thesis and a proposal of subjects for future research.