La obra de José Vázquez y Morales¿primera obra sobre Electroterapia en España?

  1. Ana Felicitas López Rodríguez
  2. Vicente Rodríguez Pérez
  3. Jesús A. Seco Calvo
  4. Marta Valencia Prieto
Cuestiones de fisioterapia: revista universitaria de información e investigación en Fisioterapia

ISSN: 1135-8599

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Alea: 42

Zenbakia: 0

Orrialdeak: 246-253

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Cuestiones de fisioterapia: revista universitaria de información e investigación en Fisioterapia


The present work tries to determine, after the analysis of different documentary historical sources, which has been the first relevan! work written in spanish language on electrotherapy, gathering, besides an attempt of underlying explanalion to the phenomenon of the electricity, the first app/ications of this physical agent conducted in the area of the therapeutics, in our country. Supported in addition on the opinion of prestigious historians, we conc/ude that the first work relating to the electrotherapy in our country was written by Jase Vazquez y Morales, titled Ensayo sobrela Electricidad de los Cuerpos, published in Madrid, in 1747.