La energía eléctricadel servicio público a la liberalización. Un análisis comparativo de la regulación del sector en España y en Brasil

  1. Saboia Bezerra, Helga Maria
Supervised by:
  1. Leopoldo Tolivar Alas Director

Defence university: Universidad de Oviedo

Fecha de defensa: 10 September 2010

  1. Avelino Blasco Esteve Chair
  2. Miriam Cueto Pérez Secretary
  3. Mercedes Fuertes Committee member
  4. Eloy Colom Piazuelo Committee member
  5. Ricardo García Macho Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 298116 DIALNET


ABSTRACT In the 1990s, a process of liberalization and opening up to free competition of services, which were traditionally delivered to state owned enterprises, took place in Europe. This process spread all over the world and was recommended by the international financial institutions, Washington Consensus, to Brazil and other Latin-American countries. This dissertation analyses the development of the electric power sector under Brazilian and Spanish legal frame of reference, from the beginning of its harnessing to current days. It emphasizes what happened during the 20th century's last decade, when both countries began to shift their legal and institutional basis in order to liberalize the sector. This research points out that, after reforms, Spain as a member of the European Union has moved in a much freer direction, with a clear and stable regulatory framework. On the other hand, Brazil presents frequent regulatory changes that hamper private investment. The lack of investments led the country to a crisis in 2001 and the reorganization of the electric sector model in 2004, in detriment of economic freedom.