Género "Brachyspira" en cerdo ibérico y jabalí

  1. San Juan Serrano, Carlos
Supervised by:
  1. María Isabel Igeño González Director
  2. Santiago Vadillo Machota Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 15 January 2016

  1. Segundo Píriz Durán Chair
  2. Marta Pérez Sancho Secretary
  3. César B. Gutiérrez Martín Committee member
  4. Jorge Valle Manzano Committee member
  5. Elías Fernando Rodríguez Ferri Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 398918 DIALNET


Presently, the Iberian pork industry has great economic importance in Spanish livestock production, especially in dehesa rangeland areas (sparse oak forest areas used as a multifunctional agro-sylvo-pastoral system in southern and central Spain and southern Portugal). Wild boar represents one of the most prized mammals by sport hunters in Spain. "Brachyspira" is a genus of bacteria that results in diarrhea. This is responsible for high financial losses in the pork industry. Rapid laboratory identification of the bacteria to confirm clinical diagnosis and to prescribe immediate suitable treatment is crucial. In this study we analyzed 870 stool samples from pigs and wild boars, most of them with diarrhea. We isolated 66 "Brachyspira" genus strains from Iberian pig, 66 from White pig and 3 from rayones (young wild boars). Samples were cultured in blood agar with antibiotics under anaerobic conditions. The isolated bacteria were identified by PCR. Afterwards, we studied the presence or absence of 10 genomic loci associated with the pathogenicity of "Brachyspira" genus. Finally, 123 isolated strains were characterized by MALDI/TOF spectra for species identification and compared with previous PCR results. Additionally, strains isolated from young wild boars were tested for antimicrobial sensitivity and 16S rRNA and nox genes were sequenced in 2 of them.