La lecto-escritura preescolarAlfabetización y predictores

  1. Maniscalco, Margherita
Supervised by:
  1. Florencio Vicente Castro Director
  2. Susana Sánchez Herrera Co-director
  3. María José Rabazo Méndez Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 07 July 2017

  1. Fernando Lara Ortega Chair
  2. Consuelo Morán Astorga Secretary
  3. Fernando González Pozuelo Committee member

Type: Thesis


The present thesis project wants to enter a new "value" to the Pre-primary school, in relation to learning processes of basic reading and writing skills. In particular, research is focused to prove two hypotheses: children aged 4 and 5 years attending pre-primary school own the prerequisites needed to acquire basic Italian language skills and to deal successfully with learning in the future (Hypothesis 1); the enhancement activities (training of prerequisites) are effective and allow to increase basic language skills, especially in people revealing low performance profiles (Hypothesis 2). To this purpose, performances of tests concerning Battery of Tests for Language Skills and Basic Numerical (ALN) and Battery SR 4-5, were compared. They were administered during pre-test and post-test to a group of 270 pupils attending two schools located in Palermo's area, aged between 4 and 5, randomly divided into one Experimental Group (GS), subjected to the experimental treatment and another Control Group (GC), which is not subjected to treatment. Results achieved by a series of multivariate analysis of variance with repeated measures allow not only to outline the language skills that are more present in the two age groups considered, but above all to state that if a group of children is proposed a specific treatment focused on enhancing learning prerequisites, together with a curricular educational teaching, people will show a better development compared to that of the other children who were not subjected to the same treatment. Overall, the thesis project emphasizes how important are the screening of school learning prerequisites within Pre-primary education and both activities design and implementation focused on achieving deliberate and effective educational-teaching interventions, on stimulating basic language skills.