Desarrollo de nuevas estrategias de manejo de la inseminación artificial para el control de la infertilidad estacional en el ganado porcino

  1. Ngula, José
Supervised by:
  1. Beatriz Alegre Gutiérrez Director
  2. Juan Carlos Domínguez Fernández de Tejerina Director

Defence university: Universidad de León

Fecha de defensa: 11 February 2016

  1. José Félix Pérez Gutiérrez Chair
  2. Marta Alonso de la Varga Secretary
  3. José Carlos García García Committee member

Type: Thesis


The purpose of this work is to study the reproductive parameters of the race Landraz bristles. Using and comparing types of seminal additives. The experimental design includes five different experiments. The gonadotropin (GNRH), oxytocin, the Prostagladina, combination of the first two, and last Suinfort, under an artificial insemination program. I was formed in each experiment a control group and experimental. In all the five experiments were evaluated the reproductive and productive parameters (fertility, fecundity at childbirth, prolificacy, mortality born live born, interval weaned mating, cyclic repetitions, repetitions to cyclical). This description was carried out in an objective manner through the use of a system or computer program Excel Word in the table of data that allowed us to be introduced in a fast and easy all the data required for our work. This operation is possible because of the ability to individually analyze systems, each studied parameter data table was exported to a statistical program "Statistical Analysis Software", (SAS) to proceed with its analysis. The effect of the addition of additives to seminal dose on reproductive and productive yields to the bristles. They were conducted five experiments (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) on a total of 5413 landrace breed sows belonging to the PROGATECSA company of the community of Castilla y León). And the farm is located in the town of Aranda de Duero province of Burgos. Initially formed two groups, animal control if add additives at the time of insemination and experimental, earlier bristled insemination added dose additive that corresponds. In each group "A, B, C, BC, & D." or 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were applied the same procedure of treatment. The experiment 1 control group and experimental encompasses a total of 368 sows in different categories of their reproductive cycle. Distributed in 85 bristles of the first cycle, 200 sows of second and third cycle, 75 bristles of the fourth and fifth cycle, and 8 sixth delivery bristles. This group is the Prostagladina before insemination is added in 1 ml. of planate dose immediately. In the evaluated indices, fertility there is no statistically significant difference, if the total born born alive there are statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) among animals prior to artificial insemination the additive was added with respect to the untreated. In experiment 2 as experimental control group encompasses a total of 368 sows in different categories of their reproductive cycle. Distributed in 85 bristles of the first cycle, 200 sows of second and third cycle, 75 bristles of the fourth and fifth cycle, and 8 sixth delivery bristles. This group is the oxytocin before insemination is added in doses 0.5 ml of oxivex immediately. Summary 138 In the evaluated indices. Fertility there is no statistically significant difference, if the total born born alive there are statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) between previous animal artificial insemination was added the additive with respect to untreated. Experiment 3 and 4 the experiment three has the same number of animals in its reproductive category the experiment 1 and 2, the experiment 4 in both agloba groups a total of 301 bristles, 68 of the first cycle, 155 of the second and third cycle, 70 fourth and fifth reproductive cycles. The application of GnRH Receptal ® individually (experiment 3) or combined receptal more oxytocin (experiment 4) negatively affects the character fertility of the studied indexes. In other words, does not seem to have systematic injection of GNRH (receptal) and its mixture with oxytocin (oxivex) to seminal doses to bristle at different stage of their reproductive cycle, under the described experimental conditions, impact on fertility whose deterioration with respect to the control group is. Fertility worsening of groups 3 and 4 in his character made us create a new experimental five group one year after the four first, who happened to be called suinfort. Star is doubt experiment is our favorite for good results in all the productive and reproductive parameters studied. The experiment 5.Suinfort is an experiment propriety that was created after the worsening of groups 3 and 4 in its character, as experimental control group encompasses a total of 4008 sows in different categories of their reproductive cycle. Distributed in 993 bristles of the first cycle, 2105 bristles of the second and third cycle, 820 bristles of the fourth and fifth cycle, and 90 bristles of the sixth delivery.This previous group insemination add 1 ml of suinfort dose immediately. The effects of the addition of the five seminal additive experimentos seminal dose fresh preserved in refrigeration in the parameters studied there was a rise much higher in sows treated with suinfort in the treatment of all the months of the year with increases in the 4.40% in fertility. In prolificacy treatment produced statistically significant effects, there is an increase in the number of piglets born alive in every month of the year, breaking the seasonal barriers. In this way it meets our objectives. In the evaluated indices.Fertility.n.t. and n.v. as we have said previously there was statistically significant (P > 0.05) between previous animal artificial insemination was added the additive with SF. And untreated. Suinfortif you have any doubt is one of the highlights of our work, with an improvement in all the studied and not studied reproductive indicators. The character fertility in table 20 can be seen that statistically significant differences in any of the four no first experiments (1, 2, 3, and 4) so little between groups, however the experiment 5. (suinfort) is only presenting differences statistically very significant (*) with a reproductive profile evenly throughout the months of the year than the rest of experiments. Even comparing the values means overall month-to-month (of prolificacy) reduces the seasonal syndrome in the months hottest. Animals treated with suinfort the Summary 139 percentage of repetitions maintains stability during all seasons of the year, this phenomenon increases in summer (control group). the interval weaned mating statistically significant difference, since no the difference between treated and untreated animals were - 0.01 points. This will fulfill our objectives we break barriers several years raised by different authors mentioned above. The number of repetitions and the interval from weaning, mating, is favorable to our experiments being higher in untreated animals, fertility in treated animals is 93.02%; to childbirth 90.02% and in control is 88.62%; birth 87.01. The number of total born piglets in the treatment that was added addictive experiment 5 reached an average of 14.8 in which group beforehand animal insemination if add additives reached an average of 13.73 data were subjected to statistical analysis which concludes that there is a significant statistical difference (P > 0.05).