Quistes foliculares y cuerpo luteo quistico en bovinos de sacrificio. II. Estudio morfopatológico

  1. Escudero Díez, Alfredo
  2. Ferreras Estrada, María del Carmen
  3. García Iglesias, María José
  4. Bravo del Moral, Ana María
  5. Martínez Rodríguez, José Manuel
Anales de la Facultad de Veterinaria de León

ISSN: 0373-1170

Datum der Publikation: 1989

Jahr: 35

Nummer: 35

Seiten: 99-111

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Anales de la Facultad de Veterinaria de León


A morphopathological study on the cystic follicles and cystic corpora lutea diagnosed during the examination of 1,489 bovine females sacrified in the slaughterhouses of León was carried out. In the follicular not luteinized cysts if a corpus luteum was associated the absence of granulosa cells was more frequent and in 75% of cases the presence of the thecae was not clear. When the corpus luteum was absent the presence or the absence of granulosa cells was similar, if they were absent then in 47.79% of cases the presence of the thecae was not clear, but if the granulosa cells were present generally the thecae were absent. In the case of the follicular luteinized cysts a luteal tissue in the theca interna as well as a conjunctival layer around the lumen lined by endothelial-like cells was observed. In the case of the cystic corpora lutea, the microscopical appearence was related with the size and the age of the cyst. In the older ones only the presence of the ovulatory stigma could distinguished them from the follicular luteinized cysts.