Morfopatología y prevalencia de las irregularidades del crecimiento endometrial en bovinos sacrificados en matadero

  1. Martínez Rodríguez, José Manuel
  2. Escudero Díez, Alfredo
  3. Ferreras Estrada, María del Carmen
  4. García Iglesias, María José
  5. Bravo del Moral, Ana María
Anales de la Facultad de Veterinaria de León

ISSN: 0373-1170

Year of publication: 1990

Year: 36

Issue: 36

Pages: 33-42

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales de la Facultad de Veterinaria de León


We carried out a morphopathological and statistical study about the irregularities of the endometrial growth diagnosed in the examination of 1,489 slaughtered bovine females. The adenomyosis frequency was 0.2%. With regard to the breed, cross-breed females were more affected than the others and with regard to the age of the animals those with at least 16 years. We think that adenomyosis results from a uterine malformation. The cystic endometrial hyperplasia frequency was 6%. Amongst breeds, cross-breed females were more affected than the others and with regard to the age were more affected the females from the group with 11 to 15 years. We verify that this irregularity was statistically associated with cystic ovarian follicles, granulosa cell tumours, mucometra and hydrometra. Also the cystic endometrial hyperplasia produces infertility.