Precariedad laboral en la economía española. Una perspectiva de géneroel mercado de trabajo en los primeros años del siglo XXI

  1. Vicent Valverde, Lucía
Supervised by:
  1. Fernando Luengo Escalonilla Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 04 July 2017

  1. Pedro José Gómez Serrano Chair
  2. Bibiana Medialdea García Secretary
  3. Luis Buendía Committee member
  4. Mercedes Ruiz Garijo Committee member
  5. David Trillo del Pozo Committee member

Type: Thesis


The major problem of labor markets ranges between high levels of unemployment and the worsening of working conditions that reach historical limits these first decades of the 21st century. Nowadays, being employed is no guarantee of achieving suitable material life conditions that assure a decent standard of living in society.Day by day, more people are mired in interrupted work paths, in which long periods of unemployment are combined with precarious employment contracts that impede access to social integration through a stable and secure employment. This blurred participation in the labor market spreads between the population and holds back the social groups that have traditionally suffered the most unfavorable situations in terms of paid work (young people, women, immigrants). However, this process of deterioration of the working conditions is not neutral and partially affects those social strata that have seen their salary reduced and their rights in atypical modalities of contracting offered on the market suppressed...