Causas de las crisis alimentarias en Somalia, Sudán y Etiopía entre 1980 y 2015

  1. Gómez De Mercado Millán, Francisco Jesús
Supervised by:
  1. Jorge Óscar Fonseca Castro Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 05 July 2017

  1. Omar de León Naveiro Chair
  2. Pedro José Gómez Serrano Secretary
  3. Guillermo Vázquez Vicente Committee member
  4. David M. Rivas Committee member
  5. Luis Buendía Committee member

Type: Thesis


In the study of recent famines, a dominant standpoint prevails characterized by econometric studies in which it is concluded that food crisis in Africa after 1980 are due to: climate-related phenomena, an increase in demography, a rise in the consumption of meat by the emerging Asian countries, the boom of biofuels, the restriction to food exports in important producing countries and usual exporters, the poverty and undernourishment conditions, and military conflict situations. In this orthodox viewpoint of famines, it is not presented as a cause for hunger neither the Structural Adjustment Plans that African countries suffered after 1980, nor the interference of western countries in the warlike conflicts, or the relationship of African governments with the transnational companies of the developed countries...