Publications (114) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. #Plantémonos contra el fuego: Service-Lerning: educación ambiental para la prevención de incendios forestales

    Premios a la innovación en la enseñanza, Núm. 18, pp. 53-68

  2. (2677) Proposal to conserve the name Bromus inermis (Poaceae: Bromeae) with a conserved type


  3. A molecular phylogeny of the tribe Ochthebiini (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae, Ochthebiinae)

    Systematic Entomology, Vol. 44, Núm. 2, pp. 273-288

  4. A new diatom teratology driven by metal pollution in a temperate river (Roșia Montanǎ, Romania)

    Annali di Botanica, Vol. 9, pp. 113-118

  5. A new hantzschia species (Bacillariaceae) from almería, spain

    Caldasia, Vol. 41, Núm. 2, pp. 343-348

  6. A new species of aphis (hemiptera aphididae) living on tropaeolum species (tropaeolaceae) from Chile and Argentina

    Redia, Vol. 102, pp. 35-40

  7. A new species of perennial Bromus (Bromeae, Poaceae) from the Iberian Peninsula

    PhytoKeys, Vol. 121, Núm. 2019, pp. 1-12

  8. A palaeoecological approach to understanding the past and present of Sierra Nevada, a Southwestern European biodiversity hotspot

    Global and Planetary Change, Vol. 175, pp. 238-250

  9. A systematic comparison of the potential of microalgae-bacteria and purple phototrophic bacteria consortia for the treatment of piggery wastewater

    Bioresource Technology, Vol. 276, pp. 18-27

  10. Activaleb herbario digital vivo: herramienta de aprendizaje activo y de servicio

    Innovación Docente e Investigación en Ciencias, Ingeniería y Arquitectura (Dykinson), pp. 445-456

  11. Actividad microbiana de extractos de propóleos de Castilla y León frente a microorganismos patógenos de interés en la industria alimentaria

    Impulsando la investigación y la innovación: X Congreso Nacional CyTA/CESIA, León, 15-17 de mayo de 2019

  12. Affiliative social relationships and coccidian oocyst excretion in a cooperatively breeding bird species

    Animal Behaviour, Vol. 158, pp. 121-130

  13. Altered leaf litter quality exacerbates the negative impact of climate change on decomposition

    Journal of Ecology, Vol. 107, Núm. 5, pp. 2364-2382

  14. Aphis (Hemiptera, Aphididae) species living on Baccharis (Asteraceae) in southern South America, with description of three new species

    Zootaxa, Vol. 4656, Núm. 1, pp. 153-167

  15. Are dead stems suitable substrata for diatom-based monitoring in mediterranean shallow ponds?

    Fundamental and Applied Limnology, Vol. 192, Núm. 3, pp. 215-224

  16. Are the profilins an important component in the atmosphere? Ole e 2-like panallergen

    Aerobiologia, Vol. 35, Núm. 1, pp. 165-175

  17. Assessing the influence of the hydraulic retention time and carbon/nitrogen ratio on urban wastewater treatment in a new anoxic-aerobic algal-bacterial photobioreactor configuration

    Algal Research, Vol. 44

  18. Assessment of the influence of biophysical properties related to fuel conditions on fire severity using remote sensing techniques: A case study on a large fire in NW Spain

    International Journal of Wildland Fire, Vol. 28, Núm. 7, pp. 512-520

  19. Behavioral Reactions of Brown Bears to Approaching Humans in Fennoscandia

    Ecoscience, Vol. 26, Núm. 1, pp. 23-33

  20. Bioclimatology, structure, and conservation perspectives of Quercus pyrenaica, Acer opalus subsp. Granatensis, and Corylus avellana deciduous forests on mediterranean bioclimate in the south-central part of the Iberian Peninsula

    Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 11, Núm. 22