Book chapters (11) Publications in which a researcher has participated
Dynamite plants: explosive vegetables
Fascinating experiments with plants (Universidad de León), pp. 115-128
Fascinating experiments with invisible inks
Fascinating experiments with plants (Universidad de León), pp. 97-114
Fascinating molecules
Fascinating experiments with plants (Universidad de León), pp. 17-31
Genetic Engineering for Strain Improvement in Filamentous Fungi
Encyclopedia of Mycology, pp. 489-504
Macroscopic mechanical characterization of self-compacting recycled concrete mixed with natural lime filler
The Structural Integrity of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Produced With Fillers and Pozzolans (Elsevier), pp. 303-322
Photosynthesis in action
Fascinating experiments with plants (Universidad de León), pp. 49-60
Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Fire Damage and Recovery of Mediterranean Pine Forests: Pinus pinaster and Pinus halepensis as Case Studies
Pines and Their Mixed Forest Ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin, pp. 585-599
Starch: a polyvalent compound
Fascinating experiments with plants (Universidad de León), pp. 61-78
The fascinating colours of plants
Fascinating experiments with plants (Universidad de León), pp. 79-96
The movements of the plants: experiencing the tropisms
Fascinating experiments with plants (Universidad de León), pp. 129-146
Transpiration: the water loss control
Fascinating experiments with plants (Universidad de León), pp. 33-47