Conference papers (9) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. A comparison of multi-sensor hail diagnosis techniques

    85th AMS Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society - Combined Preprints

  2. Analysis of the effectiveness of a predictive model during the execution of the A-66 highway (Spain)

    International Congress on Noise Control Engineering 2005, INTERNOISE 2005

  3. Characterization of Zone Acoustic Saturated (SAZ) in the city of Leon (Spain)

    International Congress on Noise Control Engineering 2005, INTERNOISE 2005

  4. Evolution of the acoustic contamination in the City of Leon (Spain)

    International Congress on Noise Control Engineering 2005, INTERNOISE 2005

  5. La antigüedad en el puesto de trabajo de tractorista y la posible pérdida auditiva

    La ingeniería rural para un desarrollo agrario compatible con el medio ambiente

  6. Pyrolysis of tyres: A comparison of the results from a fixed-bed laboratory reactor and a pilot plant (rotatory reactor)

    Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis

  7. Salicylic acid adsorption onto sephabeads SP206 in view of its purification by thermal parametric pumping


  8. Tool insert wear classification using statistical descriptors and neuronal networks

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  9. Una visión de la importancia de las vibraciones en el tractor agrícola a la vista de la Directiva 2002/44/CE

    La ingeniería rural para un desarrollo agrario compatible con el medio ambiente