Dinámica demográfica en las comarcas agrarias de la provincia de León: Del dinamismo a la atonía demográfica

  1. Susana García Pisabarros 1
  2. María Jesús Sánchez Muñoz 1
  1. 1 Universidad de León

    Universidad de León

    León, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02tzt0b78

Tendencias recientes de la población: Evolución, dinámica, estructura y perspectiva de género
  1. Carmen Egea Jiménez (coord.)
  2. José Antonio Nieto Calmaestra (coord.)

Publisher: Editorial Universidad de Granada ; Universidad de Granada

ISBN: 978-84-338-7490-0

Year of publication: 2024

Pages: 49-58

Congress: Congreso de la Población Española (18. 2024. Granada)

Type: Conference paper


According to 2023 data, the province of Leon is made up of 448573 inhabitants, distributed into 211municipalities of which only six are qualified as urban given they are made of more than 10.000 inhabitants (2.84 % of these hosting 56.43 % of the population). On the other hand, from the 205 rural municipalities, 181 have less than 2.000 inhabitants (within the 85.78 %, lives the 22.72 % of the population), granting a heightened rural character to the province where the phenomenon of depopulation is raising concerns.In addition to this, there has been a loss of 10.67 % of the population between 2000 and 2023, a trend that is expected to go down, and unevenly throughout the territory given its large land coverage, geographical diversity and closeness to urban areas. The demographic regression observed, an elderly population andmasculinization are predominant in structures affected by the biological exhaustion, especially in those municipalities categorized as “deep rural”, creating an extreme demographic atony or with a “deadly” structure. Communications revolve around analysis the demographic characteristics of the agricultural districts fromthe province to find those territories that show a certain demographic vitality, as opposed to other territoriesshowing biological exhaustion