La gymkhana ecológica: ejemplo de proyecto cooperativo en educación física

  1. Pérez Pueyo, A. 2
  2. Herrán Álvarez, I. 1
  3. Centeno Fernández, L.A. 2
  4. Hernando Garijo, A. 2
  1. 1 I.E.S. Conde Diego Porcelos, Burgos
  2. 2 Universidad de León

    Universidad de León

    León, España


V Congreso de la Asociación Española de Ciencias del Deporte

Publisher: Cáceres: Asociación Española de Ciencias del Deporte

Year of publication: 2008

Type: Conference paper


The following article is about a practical experience based on the organization of an“Ecologycal Gymkhana”developed in many High Schools all over Castilla y León, followingthe Actitudinal Style and the cooperative projects (Omeñaca, Puyuelo y Ruiz,2001). It consists of a cooperative project in small groups, which combines traditionalgames included in the curricula and the active part of most of the students.The aim isto get students to work in groups, to get roles distributed, to get understanding, andencourage students to take own decisions. On the other hand these kind of experienceshelp students to take consciousness of the enviornment by reducing, recycling and reusing.